We're thrilled to introduce a completely revolutionized way to Request Revisions for your delivered projects as well as clearer messaging between customers and vendors within projects!
: Revision Tickets now appear on a new tab, separate from messages, to provide a better way to manage revisions and communication with vendors.
Users who enable Pixlmob hosting (delivered files uploaded to Pixlmob) can now enjoy a robust ticketing flow to easily request and organize revisions.
Add a revision ticket to individual images, by selecting multiple images, or to the whole service and easily add reference attachments to your tickets.
Select a category for each ticket you create.
Vendors can respond to tickets with clarifying questions and can easily resolve tickets when the revisions are complete.
To make revision tickets easier for customers and vendors to track, we've separated tickets from the messages exchanged between customers and vendors so Revisions now appears as a new tab within the service.
Comments, questions, and replies are now easier than ever to track and send and are displayed as a dialogue between vendors and customers.
Revision tickets no longer appear in the thread of messages.
We've also consolidated emails and in-app notifications to send a roll-up every 30 minutes for tickets and messages.
Order Organization
: Vendors can now enjoy easier organization and quicker access to their orders with 4 new tabs on their Orders page: Most recent: Orders organized from newest to oldest.
Awaiting Review: Orders that are delivered and waiting on the customer to review.
Unread Messages: Orders with unread messages from the customer or Pixlmob admin.
Unresolved Tickets: Orders with open Revision Tickets.
We're confident these new updates will enable vendors and customers to communicate easier and clearly track and resolve revision tickets.