Improved ordering workflow for AI Clips
  • It is easier than ever to try out all new AI Clips!
  • Images submitted for AI Clips are now automatically resized to the correct dimensions needed to generate an amazing AI Clip.
  • Try it out for yourself. Complete this form to get a
    AI Clip!
Vendors can now add additional files to an order after it has been delivered.
  • This solves an issue that occurs when a vendor delivers an order but fails to successfully upload all deliverables to an order.
  • When additional files are added after the initial delivery, those new files will be synced to a new sub-folder within the customer's destination folder when Pixlmob Hosting is enabled.
Vendors can easily upload revised files and match them to the original.
  • Instead of uploading each revised file individually, vendors can now upload them in bulk and then match the new upload to the original so both versions can easily be compared by the customer.
  • Learn more about navigating this new process here.